
These organizations are actively engaged in promoting citizenship through voting, supporting public education, promoting health care for everyone, and advocating that voters run democracy, not money.

American Promise
American Promise logo
There’s too much money in politics. American Promise has a solution.  We are uniting and empowering all Americans to pass the For Our Freedom constitutional amendment.  By joining together across the political spectrum, we are using our Constitutional power to restore the rights of Americans to regulate election money, protect free speech & representation, and combat systemic corruption.

Common Cause Indiana
Common Cause Indiana logo
Common Cause Indiana is a nonpartisan organization that works to promote open, ethical, and accountable government for every Hoosier.  We believe government at every level should fairly represent the people it serves, and that we’re better off when people from all walks of life participate.  We are determined to break the power of big money in our politics and government and ensure that every Hoosier has an equal voice in shaping the future for our families, our communities, and our state.  We strive to see that every qualified citizen has a fair opportunity to vote and we’re committed to seeing that every vote is counted as cast.

Indiana Coalition for Public Education Monroe County
Indiana Coalition for Public Education Monroe County logo
ICPE wants to keep education public.  All Indiana children deserve an equitable, fully-funded education system under local control of parents and citizens.

League of Women Voters of Bloomington-Monroe County
League of Women Voters Monroe County logo
LWV-BMC is a nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through advocacy and education.

Medicare for ALL Indiana
Medicare for All Indina
Medicare for ALL Indiana is a group of Indiana citizens who support a publicly financed, privately delivered (single payer) universal health plan at the state and nation level.